My goal for you is freedom of movement
Work with me
Wellness Overview
Maybe you aren’t actively seeking care for a particular ailment, but just wanting someone to take a holistic look at your routine and fill in gaps for injury prevention. I can help with that! Prehab is a smart way to keep yourself injury free and at your highest potential.
Pelvic Health PT
Whether you are postpartum, post menopausal or post 5 mile run, the health and stability of our pelvic floor is instrumental in muscular recruitment, organ support and important functions like voiding bowel and bladder. If you are not sure if this is right for you, I am happy to chat about your symptoms before you book to see if it is a fit!
Orthopedic PT
My orthopedic approach includes taking a look at how the whole body moves together, starting from the center of the body outwards with a focus on finding harmony among muscles, bones and tissues.
I’d like to hear from you
Questions? Thoughts? Ideas? Reach out!